Storage Tank Inlet Diffuser Design

I've recently been approached about the design of an inlet diffuser for a 230ft dia. tank. i've never delt with this before and immediatly told the person that, but i want to know more.. At the tank bottom and sinks floating debris at the tank surface. until the water column has sufficient time to re-stratify, often a day or more, the quality of extracted rainwater is significantly diminished. this turbulence can be substantially reduced by installing a vertical inlet pipe connected to a diffuser at the bottom of the tank that. Design parameters of full-scale cylindrical stratified chilled water storage tanks with radial paral- lel plate diffusers and expected inlet thermal performance using the results of computational fluid dynamic (cfd) analysis..

How It Works - Global-Tek

How it works - global-tek

Water Storage: Tanks, Cisterns, Ponds & Groundwater

Water storage: tanks, cisterns, ponds & groundwater


6. diffusers

My query is regarding how i can size the inlet diffuser for this new requirement? what sort of modification is required in existing inlet diffuser, tank pvrv valves sizes in order to comply with end user new requirement? also, will there be any other modifications needed to be done to these storage tanks?. This study is to systematically analyze the effect of various kinds of design factors on the stratification performance of a rectangular storage tank.. This is a new paragraph that defines the various load combinations to be considered in the storage tank design (e.g., dead load of tank, weight of stored liquid, wind, internal or external pressure, etc.)..

storage tank inlet diffuser design


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