Netapp Storage Network Design

Netapp is the data authority for hybrid cloud. we provide a full range of hybrid cloud data services that simplify management of applications and data across cloud and on-premises environments to accelerate digital transformation.. The new backup network connects the veeam backup proxy with an additional netapp svm network interface to transfer the data via direct storage access. the design only makes sense when dedicated interfaces are used for the backup, nfs and lan networks. the svm which exports the vmware datastores needs minimum two networks, backup and nfs. the. When designing the iscsi storage network, netapp recommends using multiple vmkernel network interfaces on different network subnets that use nic teaming, in the case of multiple vswitches, or being pinned to physical nics connected to multiple physical switches, to provide ha and increased throughput..

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Netapp and vmware vsphere storage best practices 7 � the largest dataset in terms of number of vms and potentially the total amount of storage addressed. � individually, each vm might not address a large dataset or have demanding iop requirements, yet the collective whole might be considerable.. Netapp, inc. is a hybrid cloud data services and data management company headquartered in sunnyvale, has ranked in the fortune 500 since 2012. founded in 1992 with an ipo in 1995, netapp offers hybrid cloud data services for management of applications and data across cloud and on-premises environments.. We are standing up a new infrastructure with ip based storage here at my company. we are coming from a esx4 cluster with clariion fc san and hp dl380s (3). what we are building out: -3x cisco ucs....

netapp storage network design


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